Many people who are considering beginning at Alliance Jiu Jitsu have busy schedules. Often they’re adults with jobs, kids, and educational requirements or they’re kids who are involved in multiple activities, have homework and need some unscheduled time. At many training facilities they offer classes every night of the week, which leaves some participants wondering if the expectation for attendance is going to be higher than they’re ready for. The good news is that learning Jiu Jitsu is largely done at your own pace. If you can only come once a week, that’s completely fine. You may advance more slowly than other students, but you’ll still be making progress and improving yourself.
Most beginners are encouraged to try to come to 2-3 classes per week when they can. This may mean 3 days one week and 2 the next, or it may be 2 every week. Regardless, you’ll enjoy the freedom that this type of training gives you. We would prefer that you pace yourself and avoid burn out. Some people jump in with every day attendance and in a few weeks have burned themselves out and end up quitting, that’s something to avoid at all costs. Pace yourself so that your body can adjust to this new form of training. Jiu Jitsu has many mental components as well and stressing yourself out about getting to classes more often won’t help in your development.
One thing to remember is that you can be successful in your Jiu Jitsu training at virtually any pace, because you’re competing first against yourself. You drive yourself to become better today than you were yesterday. Some participants add Jiu Jitsu as an alternate training method to their regular routine. For these folks physical fitness is the primary goal and Jiu Jitsu once a week is a great way to use different muscle groups and add some variety to their daily workout.
Of course just like every other sport the more you do it, the better you’ll get. When you swing a golf club a thousand times it creates muscle memory and becomes an instinct, the same is true with Jiu Jitsu. As you train and repeat the same skills again and again, they will become natural and your body’s muscle memory will take over. Whether you’re goals are to enjoy a new hobby, increase physical fitness levels, improve your self-defense capabilities, or compete at the highest level – you can get there with the help of the team at Alliance Jiu Jitsu.